Former President Obama lied and said he was opposed to the Homosexual Agenda when he first ran in 2008. After winning re-election in 2012, he officially reversed that position and began to promote homosexual marriage.
Obama couldn’t get Congress to pass his homosexual agenda, so he tried to force acceptance through executive orders. He ordered the Education Department to tell schools to open all bathrooms and locker rooms to any boys who want to be girls and girls who want to be boys. President Trump, using the same authority, is reversing that forced social change.
Unfortunately, the Oklahoma Department of Education “didn’t get the memo.”
In August, the OSDE sent out a newsletter that recommended that schools let students pick bathrooms based on preference rather than gender. It told schools officials to “never reveal” a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity without the student’s permission “even to the student’s family.”
This policy is hogwash. OSDE should send out a second newsletter recommending discontinuation of that policy.
And here’s the other problem. State School Superintendent Joy Hofmeister (a registered Republican) is refusing to make any public comments about the newsletter or the Obama policy and she won’t meet publicly with concerned parents or legislators. She would agree to a meeting behind closed doors.
This is another example of moral decay within public schools. There are two sexes – male and female. Men cannot become women and women can’t become men. And it is abuse to tell school children that they can change their gender based on feelings.
It’s too bad Oklahoma has school officials who side more with Obama than traditional values.