Supporters of Black Lives Matter painted their logo on Greenwood Avenue in huge letters in Downtown right before President Trump held his campaign rally in Tulsa.
The sign is illegal.
Mayor G.T. Bynum says so. The city attorney says so.
At first, the mayor said the sign must be removed for legal reasons. But that was before the August 25 mayoral election. So, he decided stall any move to remove the sign until after he got re-elected.
That’s just good campaign strategy.
One city councilor said that the city should “not let the law” stand in the way of this political statement. Instead of trying to change the law, she is urging breaking that ordinance.
The reason the law is there is so that people can’t write all over Tulsa streets with any message they desire. If it’s OK to have “Black Lives Matter”, how about “Unborn Black Lives Matter, Too” or “Blue Lives Matter” (to support the police)?
If someone wants to promote that message on Greenwood, the should follow the law and get a sign permit. And if five of the nine city councilors would like to repeal the sign ordinance, they should take that to a vote.
Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization dedicated to overturning our system of government. As a sentiment, everyone should think that black lives matter but also that all lives matter.
The city dropped the ball on this issue.