Old Joe, us deplorable Neanderthals want to know, what is Biden hidin’?

For months, Old Joe said he was to raise taxes on people who earned over $400,000 a year. That would be a slick trick from Old Joe in the Know. He effectively said over $400,000, thereby putting himself in that higher tax bracket.

Because if he were paid over just one penny more, that would put him at $400,000 and one cent. He would make sure he made the cutoff line. Slick trick, Old Joe.

This is just one thing that Biden is hidin’ as U.S. presidents earn $400,000 a year – even – and not anything over $400,000 a year.

Old Joe and Kowmala Harris are avoiding physically visiting the southern border disorder so as not to see first-hand their failed policies on the border disorder.

These two people that think they are running this country have in just a few months’ time detoured America with their stand-up comedy routine of whiz bang errors.

Their comedy will never compete anywhere near the level of Bob Hope and Bing Crosby or Abbott and Costello or Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin.

Old Joe and Kowmala Harris, this undynamic duo, is doing in Washington and to America is anything but funny. And keep your eyes and ears open because there is more to what Biden is hidin’.