If a Christian college or a church doesn’t embrace the Homosexual Agenda to the same degree as Beto O’Rouke, he wants that college or congregation to lose their tax-exempt status.

This policy should come as no surprise to those who have followed O’Rouke’s failing presidential campaign. O’Rouke wants billions paid to black people for reparations for slavery and he wants the government to go door to door confiscating guns.

His latest assault on churches is telling in several ways.

First, O’Rourke sees no problem in using the IRS as a weapon to force compliance to his commands.

The IRS was a weapon during the administration of Barack Obama. It is un-American to use a federal agency to force a change in deeply held religious beliefs but Democrats don’t seem to mind doing it.

Secondly, O’Rouke preaches “tolerance” of homosexual lifestyles yet he won’t tolerate a differing opinion, even if that belief is cemented in a Biblical worldview.

People must conform to the way he thinks or suffer the wrath of the state.

Thirdly, justice should be based on actions, not beliefs. Free speech means Americans have a right to hold differing opinions. They don’t want the president or Congress to force an opposing view using the weight of a federal agency.

The good news is that O’Rouke has no shot at the Democrat nomination and even if he did, he would not be elected president. He’s too far left.

But the bad news is that other Democrat hopefuls may hold that same view. And if they gain power, that leads to tyranny.