The Oklahoma State Cowboys hosted the Stillwater Regionals for the NCAA College World Series.
The Cowboys faced the ORU Golden Eagles first and lost 6-4. Making the Cowboys 41-19 overall.
In the Friday, June 2nd game ORU got out to an early lead in the third inning with two runs, and then added another three runs in the fifth inning. The Cowboys responded in the bottom of the fifth inning with a 2 RBI single from David Mendham, driving in Zach Ehrhard and Carson Benge.
The Golden Eagles added another run in the sixth inning to bring the score to 6-2.
The seventh inning went scoreless and then in the eighth inning OSU mounted a rally with two home runs. Aidan Meola, a pinch hitter, hit his second home run the last three games and Ehrhard put one over the wall in left field.
The ninth inning was scoreless ending the game 6-4.
Nolan McLean took the loss leaving him at 1-2 for the season.
The Cowboys next team to play was on Saturday, June 3rd, Dallas Baptist in Stillwater.
The Cowboys started off well leading in the second inning 1-0 off a homer by Nolan Schubart.
The Patriots then brought in 18 unanswered runs by the top of the seventh inning. Their scoring featured six home runs, three by Miguel Santos.
In the bottom of the seventh inning OSU responded with two RBI singles by Chase Adkison and David Mendham. Roc Riggio also added a solo homer in the eighth inning bringing the score to its final of 18-4. OSU could not overcome the hot bats of DBU. The losing pitcher for OSU was Juaron Watts-Brown with a 6-5 season record.
The final record for the Cowboys was 41-20.