The overturning of the hideous Roe v. Wade decision was an answer to countless prayer and a clear demonstration of the hand of God.
There is no other explanation.
For almost 50 years, Americans murdered 65 million unborn babies in their mothers’ wombs. That should be the safest place on earth but it hasn’t been.
This is the American holocaust.
Six justices – three appointed by former President Donald Trump – voted to end this unconstitutional intrusion on states’ rights by a liberal court.
Abortion is immoral, un-American and sinful. It must be abolished, just as America abolished slavery in the 19th Century.
But this is just a first step, albeit a big first step.
Abortion is now illegal in 13 states, including Oklahoma. That is good news but it won’t be settled until abortion is banned in all 50 states. And after that, it needs to be banned throughout the world.
That’s a big challenge but getting Roe v. Wade was considered a huge challenge, too.
The slavery issue was so contentious that it led to a Civil War and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. It was a deadly war. But few now would say that getting rid of slavery was not a noble and important cause.
Pro-abortion Democrats and their pals in the liberal news media will work non-stop to re-instate abortion in Oklahoma.
But until Oklahoma and America end this evil entirely, this county will be subject to God’s judgment. And rightly so.
Nothing is more precious than life. Life begins at conception. Killing an unborn baby is just about the worst crime in this life.
Now America must end the sin of abortion.