Thanks to the incessant coverage of the Chinese coronaviruse pandemic by the progressive news media, Americans have slipped back into a buying panic mode.

The possibility of the Democrat-inspired lockdown, has prompted people to buy more food and medical supplies than they really need in anticipation of shortages because manufacturers are shut down or people are restricted to their homes and can’t get out to get supplies.

It’s like Americans think a giant ice storm is headed here and they have to stock up or starve.

Early on in the pandemic, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, Del Monte green beans flew off the shelves. There was no shortage but people were buying much more than they needed to. Canning supplies, hand sanitizers and liquid hand soap was in short supply.

Add to that anxiety the riots in major America cities (all run by Democrats). People watch looters ransack a WalMart, burn down a Wendy’s and steal freely from a Target store and they realize we are not too far from anarchy.

And that nervousness, coupled with the prospect of a Democrat takeover of the federal government, made the sales of firearms and ammunition go through the roof. For more than a year, Democrats have threatened to not only stop the sale of legal firearms but to go door to door and confiscate any weapons they might find.

 Women are buying guns in record numbers. In June, the FBI ran background checks on 3.9 million gun purchasers. That’s a record number for one month.

The major news networks (except Fox) spent the bulk of their newscasts talking about the deaths (which are declining) from the pandemic.

It’s prudent to keep a well-stocked pantry. Every American has a right to keep a gun on their property.

But you can blame the panic on the liberal media and no one else.