Oklahoma House District 79 is a mostly conservative district in South Tulsa that is represented by perhaps the most liberal lawmaker in Oklahoma, Rep. Melissa Provenzano.

That needs to change.

And she needs to be replaced by a genuine conservative – not a Democrat who filed as a Republican to win a seat.

The best choice and the most qualified candidate is Republican Paul Hassink.

A son of immigrants, Hassink has a deep respect for the freedom embedded in America and established by the U.S. Constitution.

Hassink has decades of experience in management, particularly in the energy field. He is a licensed professional engineer.

Hassink is a devoted Christian who is pro-life. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Georgia Institute of Technology and has a master of science degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University.

Hassink knows how things work and he would an invaluable asset it working on the state’s infrastructure. He understands finance and he believes in smaller, more efficient government.

Hassink will battle the overreach of the federal government. He will restore public education by giving schools back to parents, students and teachers. He is committed to protect the lives of people from conception to natural death. He will work to build the state economy and especially the oil and natural gas industries.

It’s time to make the teacher’s union loosen it’s grip on District 79.

The Tulsa Beacon endorses Paul Hassink on June 28 in the Republican primary.