Liberty University announced that Vice President Mike Pence has accepted an invitation to deliver the University’s 2019 Commencement Address on May 11. The vice president accepted the invitation while he was delivering his remarks to CPAC 2019 in Washington, D.C., which was live-streamed to over 10,000 Liberty University students at the Vines Center on campus.

“Considering what a hero Mike Pence is to Christians and conservatives everywhere, it was exciting to see such a tremendous reaction from over 10,000 Liberty University students when they learned from the Vice President himself via the CPAC livestream that he’ll be our featured commencement speaker this year,” said Liberty University President, Jerry Falwell, Jr.

Vice President Pence’s commencement address follows other recent commencement speakers, including President Donald Trump in 2017 and former President Jimmy Carter in 2018.