Due to continuing growth of new businesses in Tulsa County, John A. Wright, Tulsa County Assessor, wants new and existing business owners, including home-based businesses, to remember to file their business personal property returns (Form 901) by March 15th with the County Assessor’s Office.
Copies of the Form 901 are available at the assessor’s website at www.assessor.tulsacounty.org or at the Assessor’s Office at 500 South Denver on the 2nd floor of the County Administration Building.
“Tulsa County is fortunate to have growth in new businesses, and I want all business owners to know about the deadline for business personal property taxes,” said Wright.
“While individuals usually associate tax liability with the federal deadline of April 15th, this rendering of business personal property (machinery, computers, furniture, and fixtures) is required by March 15th each year, and we want to help businesses avoid penalties. Assessors have no choice because the law is very clear that if this deadline isn’t met, ‘…all who fail to list all or any part of their personal property for the current year, on or before March 15, shall be delinquent.’” Wright said the Assessor’s Office takes the responsibility of assessing property of the approximately 22,000 businesses in Tulsa County very seriously, Wright said. The majority of these funds go to support public education, which is very important for our growing economy. The March 15, 2020 ,deadline is the same for all business personal property owners in the state not just Tulsa County.