The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) completed the 2019-2023 Oklahoma State Plan for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.

The Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth (OCCY) approved the plan, in accordance with state law.

Input was obtained from nearly 1,000 responses to a survey, feedback gathered from 15 Community Cafés across the state with the Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness, and meetings.

“Child abuse and neglect is a complex issue,” said OSDH Grant Coordinator Sherie Trice. “Information was gathered statewide to ascertain current services and gaps, identify geographical areas with greatest need, pinpoint supports that are most valued, and further assess family needs and how those needs can be addressed.”

The focus of the survey was on awareness, availability, and use of community resources that target identified risk factors for child maltreatment.  For information, contact the OSDH Family Support and Prevention office by phone, 405-271-7611 or by email, [email protected].