A Spokane, Washington, Planned Parenthood clinic is suing a Christian community for holding a monthly pro-life worship service in a public area outside one of its abortion centers.
The Pacific Justice Institute is defending The Church at Planned Parenthood. “You have a billion-dollar industry suing local church pastors who aren’t wealthy at all, for singing and peaceable assembly,” said Pastor Ken Peters, who is responsible for the services.
The Church at Planned Parenthood’s website emphasizes that it “is NOT a protest. It’s a worship service…. The Church at Planned Parenthood is a gathering of Christians for the worship of God and the corporate prayer for repentance for this nation.”
“We’ve been running for two years,” Peters said. “We’ve never been cited. We don’t cause destruction. We don’t loot. We don’t riot. We literally go to Planned Parenthood and we hold church once a month. We do this after hours. We are not causing any harm.”
Peters explained that his congregation is “bringing attention to the fact that they are killing life for money. That’s what they don’t like. That’s what they’re suing us for. We are shining a light for the Lord… and that’s why they hate us.”
The church has never been cited by the police, who show up every time they hold a service.
The lawsuit states, “Directly on the other side of the wall from where the massive crowd gathers to sing, chant, whistle, and yell and scream are all of the facility’s patient exam rooms.” The lawsuit fails to mention that the worship services begin at 6 p.m., which is when the abortion center closes.
Thank God that this group of Christians is willing to stand up for the innocent lives taken for blood money.