God bless the Polish people.

Poland has not only accepted more than a million refugees – mostly women, children and infants – from war-torn Ukraine but has welcomed them will open arms. Poland has not refugee camps – the Polish people are taking these people into their homes. In fact, they are meeting trains loaded with refugees and providing the young mothers with baby strollers, clothing, blankets, food and more.

Because Poland is so close, the Polish people are well positioned to help quickly and they have. Most Polish people – except the elderly – didn’t go through the invasion by Hitler and Germany in World War II. You could make a case that no nation suffered more in World War II.

The families of those people 80 years still know the details and perhaps that is part of their motivation to be so helpful. Or maybe they understand that Russia could be targeting Russia for the next invasion.

Americans are rushing to aid the Ukrainian refugees, including Christian groups like Franklin Graham’s organization, Shofar Ministry based here in Sapulpa, groups from the Southern Baptist Convention and others.

These families are fleeing for their lives with not much more than the clothes on their backs. And the women and children are leaving behind their husbands and fathers who have stayed to defend their homeland.

America is sending some aid but the Biden regime really dropped the ball by not sending military aid authorized by Congress prior to the Russian invasion.

Pray for this war to end and the aggressors be turned back.