In the publication “DAY 41 Spring 2020” provided by the pro-life organization 40DaysForlife on pages 8 and 9, there are five arguments in favor of abortion. The first is “My Body, My Choice”, but science is clear: the fetus is a new human being with its own set of DNA from the moment of fertilization. The heart stopped by an abortion is not the mother’s heart.

A second argument: “Abortion is a safe and legal medical procedure.”  Abortion is not safe as evidenced by the numerous videos and documentations of botched abortions with ambulances called at the abortion clinics to carry the wounded mother to get help for her life­ threatened situation – hemorrhage, fetal parts retained in the womb or a punctured uterus.

Moreover, the hygienic standards employed at the abortion clinics are substandard for any one-day surgical, out-patient surgery procedures. The clinics are located in minority neighborhoods drawing disparate clients, often unaccompanied – literally suffering all alone, and leaving disconsolate, and physically and spiritually wounded. The death rate of this procedure takes a toll on more than one life – the mother perhaps along with one or more fetal victims.

Interestingly, the Planned Parenthood industry, the nation’s largest abortion provider and funded by millions of tax money for these murderous procedures, is a product of the process of eugenics, biologic selection of the fittest and if of a minority or ethnic population worthy of being eliminated (killed).

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a monumental provider of PP funds and operations as well. Post-abortive women manifest mental health problems and substance abuse in order to deal with this procedure. These clients also are more likely to face depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and actions leading to abuse of drugs and/or alcohol.

The third argument: “Abortion saves lives.” It is not the procedure necessarily that saves lives, but when a women sees her baby via ultrasound and hears the heartbeat, studies show the women is 80% inclined to keep the contents of her womb, now seen as a human being, in order to complete the pregnancy to term. Pregnancy Resource Centers are facilities that deal with ultrasound interventions (and contrary to PP efforts) do save the life of the mother and her baby(ies) safely and provide follow-up compassionate care, the very opposite of any PP agenda which includes the sale of fetal body parts for profit especially when the baby is a term, healthy outcome.

Abortive actions can include snuffing out the baby’s life once it is born at term healthy, whole and yet unwanted by the mother who then decides to destroy this newborn. While there are legitimate medical treatment (e.g., if the mother is receiving chemotherapy) that might unintentionally end the child’s life, the child’s death is an unwanted side effect.

The fourth argument: “A fetus is not a person because it is not self-aware and cannot engage in transcendent thought.” One’s personhood is defined not  by what you do, but by what you are – born or not.”

The fifth argument: “Women need abortion to escape poverty and pursue a better future, especially get on with her career or employment intentions.” This is a counterfeit rationalization for alleviating a healthcare crisis especially for a women whose life is financially struggling.

At pregnancy resource centers, women receive truthful help to overcome this difficulty through parent  education classes, counseling and support that includes help with medical care, housing, and other help that makes this new chapter possible and joyous.

Let there be an end to the lies given to a women in crisis whose life and baby fetal parts become the gigantic financial gain for the individual profiteer abortionists and Planned Parenthood. Pro-life Christians must demand more than political theatrics from our elected officials and those campaigning for elected offices.

In order to permanent outcomes to totally defund PP, the Spirit of God who gives and protects life will have to break the deadly spiritual strongholds PP and the abortion industry have on America’s moral imagination. There will be eternal consequences for those who God will not hold guiltless those who take innocent life and those who enable this national disaster by their silence.