This is a sad situation.
On the National Day of Prayer, President Joe Biden, a self-described “faithful Catholic,” gave a proclamation about religion. It is good and appropriate when presidents make a statement on the National Day of Prayer.
Here’s the problem. Biden didn’t mention God in his entire statement.
Not once.
Oh, he did have the word “Lord” but that was the obligatory “In the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one.” And the word “divine” came up once in a quote from the late Rep. John Lewis. It would be unusual for a president to invoke the name of Jesus Christ in such a proclamation but this is the first a sitting president has omitted the name of God.
Former President Donald Trump mentioned the name of God more than 10 times in his final proclamation on the National Day of Prayer.
Why the omission by Biden? Someone could ask him but you won’t get a straight answer if you get an answer at all.
Here’s the probable explanation. Joe Biden is a Democrat and the national Democrat platform essentially has moved away from God and especially from any reference to Jesus Christ. This could be blamed on the Democrat’s intention to foster a “big tent” – to include members of all religions and to reach out to atheists, Satanists and any other secular group that gravitates to the Democrat Party.
Barack Obama said America is no longer a Christian nation. He might be right. Now Joe Biden wants to praise religion without mentioning Almighty God. This is shaky ground for Biden, who wants to please Christians and non-Christians.
Christians – especially Democrats – should take note of this departure from acknowledging God.