U.S. First District House:  The Tulsa Beacon endorses: Kevin Hern in the Republican primary.

  • No endorsement in the Democrat primary.

Oklahoma Corporation Commission seat (replacing Bob Anthony):

  • Three Republicans are running, Brian Bingman, Justin Hornback and Russell Ray.  Bob Anthony is supporting Russell Ray.  Bob Anthony has been the people’s voice on the Corporation Commission and we will endorse him as well.

OK Senate 11:

  • Democrats Regina Goodwin and Joe Williams – no endorsement

OK Senate 25:

  • Rep. Jeff Boatman and Brian Guthrie. The Tulsa Beacon is endorsing Jeff Boatman.

OK Senate 33:

  • Four Republican candidates are in the primary: The Tulsa Beacon is endorsing Bill Bickerstaff, a long time supporter of Conservative Republican candidates, who will remain a true conservative in office.

OK Senate 37:

  • Incumbent Cody Rogers is facing Aaron Reinhardt in the Republican primary.  Last week we said we endorsed Cody Rogers but with new information, we are not endorsing anyone.

OK House 23:

  • Both Derrick Hildebrant and Connor Whitman look good on paper as Conservative. We will endorse Derrick Hildebrant, but have no negatives on Connor Whitman.

OK  House 67:

  • The Tulsa Beacon endorses Ryan Myers, although we have no problem with Rob Hall.  Myers appears to be the more conservative of the two.

OK House 72:

  • No endorsement either Democrat running.

OK House 73:

  • No endorsement either Democrat running.

OK House 79:

  • The Tulsa Beacon endorses Paul Hassink for a second run at Democrat Incumbent Melissa Provenzano.  He is a true conservative.