It’s shocking and beyond comprehension how millions of Americans angrily took to the streets moments after the Supreme Court announced their reversal the age-old Roe v. Wade decision.
Actually, the pro-choice Democrat Party plank will cost them in the November 8 election because most of their aborted babies that would be of voting age would be voting for the Democrats in the mid-terms.
The pro-abortion crowd had signs and were screaming about their bodies being messed with by the Supreme Court. There is “protected sex” – which is certainly wiser that the cost, pain and regret of an abortion.
With some exceptions, they have no shame, touting their propaganda on live TV. They don’t have a Supreme Court law problem – they have a Supreme Sin problem with the Creator of life. They ignore the Ten Commandments’ “Thou shall not kill” and the simple Golden Rule of treating others the way you wish to be treated.
Wives and offspring are gifts from God, the Bible even refers to the Church as the “Bride of Christ.” Personally, my 52 years of married life is better than anything money could buy, with 21 amazing children, grand children and great grandchildren.
Here’s a simple answer. Christian parents: send kids to weekly Sunday School and make an early commitment to daily Bible reading, believing and becoming a disciple of Jesus the Christ, who said, “Bring the little children to me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven and whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6).
If you disagree – so does the Devil. So classify yourself.
In sales, I taught the KISS principle – “keep it simple stupid.” In joyous, successful right living that works, “keep it simple Simon.”