The driving force behind the Democrat party is abortion. It’s the bonding issue that unites this party. It cannot do without it and will do whatever it takes to preserve it.
Case in point is the liberal reaction to the Texas Heartbeat Act that bans most abortions upon the detection of a heartbeat. The left would not stand for this so it filed lawsuits to reverse it, with it eventually finding its way to SCOTUS which just announced it would indeed hear the case but would not prevent the enactment of the law in the meantime. Of course, the left flips out because babies are surviving murder each and every day.
Justice Sotomayor criticized her peers for “declining to act immediately” thus leading to “grave and irreparable harm” to Texas women.
What? Can you believe this?
It’s the unborn babies who are suffering “grave” and “irreparable harm” not their mothers! The baby is the victim of murder, not the mother. Murder is irreparable harm!
It’s apparent that liberals seem to lack reason on the issue of abortion. They are blinded by the reality of what it really is. Either that or they have full knowledge of what it is and simply choose evil over good. You can say the Democrat Party is Satan’s party!