Seats on the United States Supreme Court should be based on qualifications, not on race.

Obviously, judges should not be excluded on the basis of their skin color but that is exactly what President Joe Biden has done when he declared he would nominate “a black woman” for the Supreme Court.

State Senator and candidate for US Senate Nathan Dahm took issue with that statement by Biden.

“Supreme Court contenders should be nominated on the basis of merit alone,” Dahm said. “Joe Biden’s exclusion of any nominees who aren’t black is an absolute disgrace and warrants his impeachment.

“Imagine calling yourself a proponent of equality while simultaneously excluding a large number of potential candidates from serving on the Supreme Court based on the color of their skin. Justice Breyer’s seat should be filled by the most qualified candidate… not just somebody who fits Biden’s racist qualifications.

“The color of your skin in America should not be a disqualification in itself. We need elected leaders who refuse to pander to the woke radical left and will fight to impeach racist Joe Biden.”

And if the Senate confirms the black woman nominee of Biden, she will forever have the stigma that she was placed on the Supreme Court because of her gender and race instead of her qualifications and background.

Biden could nominate a highly qualified black woman but it’s more reasonable to expect he will nominate an ultra-liberal woman who is more interested in a progressive agenda than rightly interpreting the U.S. Constitution.

Racism gets another boost thanks to Biden’s racist decisions.