Someone sent me a copy of a letter to the editor written by Ken Huber of Tawas City, Michigan. Tawas City sits aside Lake Huron in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan and has a population of about 2,000 and a total area of about 2.2 square miles.

And a whole lot of common sense.

Mr. Huber asked this simple question: Has America become the land of the special interest and the home of the double standard?

He answers his own question with a series of comments.

If we lie to Congress, it’s a felony. If Congress lies to us, it’s “just politics.” (What happens to a congressman that lies about a substance abuse problem for years – he gets re-elected over and over again.)

If we dislike a black person, we’re racists. But if a black dislikes whites, it’s their First Amendment right.

The government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals. Then they do almost nothing for the victims (an exception would be District Attorney Tim Harris in Tulsa County – he does a lot for victims and their families).

Public schools teach that homosexuality is OK but you must not mention the word God in the process of education. (New York schools actually wanted to prevent Christian groups from renting public facilities on the weekends).

You can kill an unborn baby in his mother’s womb but you cannot execute a mass murderer. (The safest place in the world should be a mother’s womb but we have elevated the inconvenience of a woman over the life of an innocent child).

We don’t burn books in America – we just revise them to fit our politics. (Do a comparison of biology books over the past 40 years – there are so many discrepancies that you wonder why we teach evolution as if it were fact).

We got rid of the Communists and Socialists simply by renaming them “Progressives.” (Liberals found out they could not get elected if they were labeled “liberal” so they came up with “progressive” to help deceive the voting public).

We cannot close our border with Mexico to stop illegal immigration but we have no problem protecting the 38th Parallel (which separates North and South Korea).

If you protest the policies of President Obama, you are labeled a “terrorist” but if you burn an American flag or George Bush in effigy, you are simply exercising your First Amendment rights. (A federal report had a laundry list of conservative groups that would be under suspicion for terrorism).

You can have nasty pornography or profanity on television or the Internet but you must not display a Nativity scene in a public park at Christmas (or in Tulsa’s case, don’t put up a cross at a fire station).

Criminals no longer exist in America. We do have “sick people” that seem to commit crimes. (Punishment no longer becomes a deterrent to future crimes if the criminals know they won’t go to jail for very long).

We can use an aborted baby for medical research but don’t dare use a monkey or rabbit or any other animal for similar research. (Animal rights’ groups feel that humans are intruding on a planet that was meant only for animals).

In America, we take a lot of money from those who work hard for it and we give it to those who don’t want to work. (Half of all Americans don’t pay any income tax while mothers and fathers in middle-class families struggle to get their children a college education).

We all support the U.S. Constitution but only when it suits our political idealogy. (Unless we get a new president and new Senate or the courts stop him, Obama is going to take over health care in America in 2014 with Obamacare. It is the first time in history that the government has forced Americans to purchase a product – health insurance).

We have freedom of speech but only if we are politically correct. (Conservative Christian Kirk Cameron is not allowed to speak against homosexuality and Rush Limbaugh is condemned for comments that pale in comparison to language used by Bill Maher and other “progressives.”)

Parenting has been replaced with Ritalin and video games. (Parents are overmedicated and the next generation has never experienced hard work.)

America, the “land of opportunity,” is now the “land of handouts.” (America is starting to look like Greece as categories of entitlements continue to soar).

How does America handle a major crisis? The government appoints a committee to see who is “at fault,” then threatens them, passes a new law and raises taxes before it announces the problem is “solved.” Then the congressmen can get back to their re-election campaigns.

It’s a bleak picture but there is hope. Our prayer should be that America collectively asks God for forgiveness and abandons our evil ways.

A hooded armed robber bursts into a bank and forces the tellers to load a sack full of cash.

On his way out the door with the loot, one brave customer grabs the hood and pulls it off, revealing the robber’s face.

The robber shoots the guy dead without hesitation.

He then looks around the bank to see if anyone else has seen him. He sees one of the tellers looking straight at him; the robber walks over and calmly shoots him dead.

Everyone by now is very scared and looking down at the floor.

“Did anyone else see a my face?” calls the robber.

There follows a tense minute of silence.

Then an elderly gentleman, looking down, tentatively raises his hand and says:

“I think my wife caught a glimpse”

An elderly man was working out in the neighborhood gym when a lovely young lady walked by.

He turned to the trainer and asked, “What machine should I use to impress that sweet young thing?”

“Try the ATM in the lobby,” the trainer said.

An elderly man is stopped by the police around 1 a.m. and is asked where he is going at this time of night.

The man replies, “I am going to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body.”

The officer then asks, “Really? Who is giving that lecture at this time of night?”

The man replies, “That would be my wife.”

A man went fishing this morning, but after a short time, he ran out of worms. Then, out of the corner of my eye, he saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth.

“Frogs are good bass bait” he thought to himself.

Knowing the snake couldn’t bite him with the frog in his mouth, he grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in his bait bucket.

Just then, he realized he had a problem – how was he going to release the snake without getting bit? So, he grabbed his bottle of whiskey and poured a little in its mouth. The snake’s eyes rolled back and he went limp. He released him into the lake without incident and carried on fishing using the frog.

A little later, he felt a nudge at my foot. There was that same snake with two more frogs in his mouth.