An Oklahoma congresswoman wants expansion of Obamacare and an end to efforts to slow down the march to socialized medicine. U.S. Rep. Kendra Horn voted for a meaningless Democrat resolution to condemn the Trump administration for supporting of a court ruling to rule Obamacare unconstitutional. The four Republicans in Oklahoma’s congressional delegation voted no.

Horn thinks all Americans have a “right” to “quality, affordable healthcare.”

In other words, she and all the Democrats running for president want Medicare for everyone. No one knows how America would pay for such a giant socialist program but worthless resolutions are useful in swaying the opinion of under informed voters, millennials in particular.

Obamacare is a failed program. Trump almost won its repeal and he could be successful in a second term if the Republicans regain control of the House.

In the meantime, a federal district judge in Texas who follows the Constitution in December sided with 20 states that challenged the mandate in the Affordable Care Act that individuals purchase health insurance. The tax reform bill of 2017 eliminated the tax penalty for not purchasing coverage, the judge ruled the mandate was unconstitutional and the rest of the law must also stop.

California (of course) and other a handful of other states are appealing that decision. The U.S. Justice Department sent a letter to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last month backing the judge’s decision. The House resolution, approved by a vote of 240-186, calls on the Justice Department to reverse its position in the lawsuit, which is widely expected to wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Horn loves Obamacare (socialized medicine) and hates President Trump. She’s up for re-election in 2020.