Tulsa and some other cities have gone overboard on trying to limit freedom to defeat the Chinese coronavirus.
Senator Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, has filed legislation to restrain the power of government in its response to the Chinese Coronavirus.
“As we start a new year and prepare to begin a new legislative session, it’s time we focus on the core reason for the institution of government – protecting people’s rights,” Dahm said. “We’ve seen mayors, city councilors and government bureaucrats across this state issue edicts and dictates infringing on the rights of the people. The bills I’m introducing are aimed at protecting people’s rights, and I look forward to the legislature joining me in passing these much-needed protections.”
Maybe it’s a good idea to wear a mask in public – but that should be a choice by people, not a mandate. Some studies show that masks don’t protect as well as the government wants you to believe and other studies show that wearing a mask can be detrimental.
Dahm said business owners should have the right to decide if customers must wear a mask. It is ridiculous for government to mandate masks on private property and it seems to be unconstitutional.
Dahm is taking a pro-active stance against the growing idea of forcing people to take a coronavirus vaccine. His bill would keep the state from requiring a vaccine to receive any government services or rights protected by the Constitution.
“We’ve heard suggestions from government bureaucrats that they intend to force or require the COVID-19-vaccine in order to travel, attend school, and similar requirements,” Dahm said. “Our rights are not contingent upon vaccination status, and whether or not to take the vaccine should be up to each individual – not forced or coerced by the government.”
And Dahm’s legislation deals with concern that contact tracing is not voluntary and he wants private data protected.
This is common-sense legislation that protects constitutional rights and should be passed immediately in February.