Some people – including pro-lifers – thought this could never happen. And it still might not.

But the U.S. Supreme Court, using key votes by justices appointed by former President Donald Trump, may overturn Roe v. Wade, the unconstitutional decision in 1973 that struck down state laws banning abortion.

Now maybe states – including Oklahoma – could stop the murder of innocent children in their mothers’ womb.

Oklahoma lawmakers, more specifically Republican legislators, planned for this possibility by passing laws that trigger banning abortion should Roe v. Wade be overturned.

America never voted to legalize abortion. A slim majority of nine justices decided to create law instead of interpreting it and opened the floodgates to the murder of more than 60 million unborn American babies.

This is the American Holocaust.

Those babies, who are in Heaven according to the Bible, cannot be brought back. But Oklahoma can immediately put an end to this barbaric, Satanic practice.

Thirteen states have laws that go into effect immediately when Roe gets overturned. It is expected that half the states would soon ban abortion.

The fight isn’t over. Abortion needs to be abolished in the entire United States. And soon.

God bless the justices who courageously vote to end abortion. Thanks to the people who battled abortion, especially those who demanded abolition.

May God forgive our nation for this sin. This is a turning point in history and thank God this step has been taken.