By an historic 6-3 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in all of America.

Thirteen states, including Oklahoma, had laws in place that would trigger the demise of abortion in Oklahoma should Roe v. Wade ever be overturned. The abortion clinics in Oklahoma reportedly have not been committing abortions since the Oklahoma Legislature passed some of the strictest laws against abortion in the nation.

The Friday ruling was part of the court’s opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization – a case that focused on Mississippi’s law that banned abortion.

“We end this opinion where we began. Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the court’s opinion.

The court essentially decided that abortion is not a right in the U.S. Constitution and that the issue should be decided by each state and not the federal courts.

State Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, has been a staunch opponent of legalized abortion and has authored bills for several years.

“The Declaration of Independence states that our rights come from our Creator, that among those rights is the right to life, and that governments are instituted to secure those rights,” Dahm said. “Those of us in elected office have a responsibility to defend the rights of the people. That is what I have done from my first day in office, and that is what I will continue to do as long as I have the pleasure of serving the people of the state of Oklahoma.”

Rep. Jim Olsen, R-Roland, House author of Senate Bill 612, which was signed in April, said, “We rejoice that Roe v. Wade has been overturned. The prayers from God’s people for many years have been answered!

“…To God to be the glory!”

Olsen also authored House Bill 1102, revokes the licenses of physicians who perform abortions for at least one year. The bill provides an exception for abortions performed to save the life of the mother.

“The Supreme Court’s highly anticipated opinion gives America’s 50 separate and unique states and their voters the authority to determine their own policies concerning abortion, rather than unelected judges and bureaucrats,” said U.S. Rep. Tom Cole, R-Oklahoma. “Indeed, since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, it was immediately controversial and quickly became an outdated decision due to rapid advancements in medicine and science.”

President Biden, who is a pro-abortion Catholic, called on voters to elect more Democrats in November so that they can pass a federal law legalizing abortion in every state

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is a pro-abortion Catholic, said Republicans are “plotting a nationwide abortion ban.”

“They cannot be allowed to have majority in the Congress to do that. But that’s their goal,” she said Friday. “The hypocrisy is raging, but the harm is endless,” she added.

Pelosi said the Supreme Court’s “cruel ruling” overturning Roe v. Wade is “outrageous and heart-wrenching.”

“Today, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has achieved the GOP’s dark and extreme goal of ripping away women’s right to make their own reproductive health decisions.  Because of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party and their supermajority on the Supreme Court, American women today have less freedom than their mothers,” Pelosi said in a statement.

“A woman’s fundamental health decisions are her own to make, in consultation with her doctor and her loved ones – not to be dictated by far-right politicians,” she said.

The Rev. Franklin Graham, son of the late Billy Graham, is the CEO and president of Samaritan’s Purse as well as the CEO and president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

“The United States Supreme Court just announced one of the most significant rulings in my lifetime — officially voting to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision because it was ‘egregiously wrong from the start,’ as stated by Justice Samuel Alito,” Franklin Graham said Friday.”The radical left is calling for a ‘night of rage,’ pregnancy centers are already being vandalized and attacked, and our U.S. Supreme Court justices are being targeted with threats and intimidation.

“Roe v. Wade, passed 49 years ago, has resulted in the deaths of over 63 million innocent children in this country. Sadly, this decision is not an end to abortion — it pushes the battle back to the states.”

“My prayer is that every state will enact protections for children in the womb,” added Graham, “and that our nation will value life and recognize the rights of our most vulnerable.”

Some Christians see this decision to overturn Roe v. Wade as an act of God.

Jonathan Cahn, a rabbi and writer of The Harbinger, said, “Now that the Supreme Court followed through and overturned Roe v. Wade, it is the first but major step in turning back that which history will judge as a great evil. In the Bible, the 50th year is the Jubilee — the year of restitution, when that which taken is restored, and that which was done is reversed.

“The 50th Jubilean Year of Roe v. Wade in America is this year! It comes to an end Jan. 22, 2023. We pray that it be a true year of jubilee, of the saving of lives, and of restoration.”

State Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, has supported legislation to stop abortion in Oklahoma.

“More than 60 million babies have been murdered due to an unconstitutional ruling 49 years ago. The Bible has a tradition of the 50th year being the year of Jubilee, and we are experiencing that Jubilee now. But because unborn infant screams and cries cannot be heard by human ears, few know how massive the killing has been. The abortion nightmare is now up to the states to stop, and Oklahoma has been working overtime to make sure our laws are ready to stop the bloodletting.

“Much like slavery, America must deal with the sin of abortion on a national level and that change is coming soon.  For now, I am celebrating the realization of the work I and so many others have done to save the lives of unborn babies.”

“After almost 50 years, the U.S. Supreme Court has wiped one of the most horrifying opinions in American history from the books,” said Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor. “It has courageously done so in the face of intimidation, leaks, violence, and even an assassination attempt.

“Roe not only took away over 60 million lives, it also barred Oklahomans and all other Americans from protecting our unborn children.  We should help every woman facing a crisis pregnancy, but not at the cost of the innocent child’s life.”

Democrats ‘devastated’

Former Oklahoma Congresswoman and U.S. Senate nominee Kendra Horn, a pro-abortion Democrat, was “devastated” at the decisions.

“Today’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade is a devastating blow for the health and wellbeing of all women,” said Horn. “It is government overreach, plain and simple, and it’s wrong. Never before has the Supreme Court overturned five decades of precedent to take away rights from more than half of all Americans. It’s especially dangerous for Oklahoma women, because a complete ban on abortion starting at fertilization is now a reality in our state…

“This is a dark day for our country, we cannot afford to go backwards. This is what happens when extremists are in charge.”

Senate Democratic Leader Kay Floyd, D-Oklahoma City, was “outraged” at the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

“The court’s radical and wrongly decided opinion not only takes away fundamental constitutional rights but also seriously endangers the health of women all across our country,” Floyd said.

“Unfortunately, the relentless assault on women’s reproductive rights in Oklahoma began long before today’s decision and we should expect it to continue. Now we must channel our anger and sorrow into determination and peaceful but forceful action.”

According to the Supreme Court, abortion is not a constitutional right. And abortion cannot be considered “health care” as it results in the death of an unborn baby.

“Today, the sky is dark,” House Minority Leader Emily Virgin, D-Norman, and House Minority Caucus Chair Cyndi Munson, D-OKC, said in a statement. “There is no way to sugarcoat that women in America, especially in states like Oklahoma, have fewer rights now than they did when they woke up this morning.

“We know that Oklahoma’s restrictive abortion laws are not popular and that most Oklahomans believe this fundamental truth: abortion is health care.”