Last year we lost 100,00+ Americans to bad drugs coming across our southern border yet our congress spends peanuts on it and gives the Ukraine $40 billion of our tax dollars to protect their border. Our country has many needs going begging that are totally ignored by our congress. Kevin Hern is the only Oklahoman congressman voting against this spending.
We think we have conservative congressmen because they are Republican which is not true. Stop re-electing these liars. Mullin inspires to a Senate seat yet sends our tax dollars overseas.
Nathan Dahm would do better.
The White House idiot asked for $33,000,000,000.00 and you gave him 40 while our borders are wide open and we had 100,000+ drug deaths from Mexican/Chinese drugs.
Why is Ukraine more important than America? You people get money from us but denigrate us at every chance. Your ad says you are a fighter but it does not show here. I will support Nathan Dahm since you find it difficult to take care of American citizens. Kevin Hern was the only Oklahoma Representative voting for us.