(Oklahoma City) – Oklahoma senior citizens, caregivers, and those interested in matters affecting aging Oklahomans are invited to the State Capitol for Senior Day on Monday, March 3. Attendees will have the opportunity to share ideas, needs and concerns with their state lawmakers, visit with organizations and state agencies to learn about services for older Oklahomans, and learn about current legislation that may affect older Oklahomans.
Attendees can arrive starting at 8:30 a.m. and sign in at the second-floor rotunda. Volunteers and signs will guide the way. The Senior Day session in the House chamber, fourth floor, begins at 10:00 am with guest speakers. The event will run from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the State Capitol, 2300 N Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73105. The event is free to attend. All are welcome.
All individuals and groups planning to attend are encouraged to register on the Oklahoma Alliance on Aging website’s events page, but it is not required. Nonprofit organizations and government programs requesting an exhibit table, and those interested in sponsoring, may use the registration link to apply.
The Oklahoma Alliance on Aging organizes the annual Senior Day event with the Oklahoma Aging Partnership; the Oklahoma Silver Haired Legislature Alumni Association; AARP-OK; and the department of Oklahoma Human Services Community Living, Aging and Protective Services Division.
For more information call (405) 943-1895 or email [email protected].