Does anybody find it shocking that the American people voted for a Republican president who then placed justices on our Supreme Court and yet the “so-called conservatives” have now declared that both homosexuals and transgenders are protected under the term “sex” in LBJ’s Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The notion that six people can retroactively stretch the wording in a document that was written decades earlier is a slap in the face to the men who fought to keep our nation free.
It’s equally shocking to learn that both of Trump’s nominee Neil Gorsuch and liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg are both members of a Marxist social club known as the Council on Foreign Relations. (Gorsuch is a former member).
The Council on Foreign Relations was founded back in 1921 and was the subject of Gary Allen’s 1971 book, None Dare Call It a Conspiracy.”
I suggest to my fellow patriots reading this letter that they research it.