Many are thinking that things cannot go back to “normal” until there is a vaccine available and even government mandating its use is the means to prevent a health crisis. Vaccines are touted as “safe and effective” and to be given per the CDC schedule.

Does rushing a hastily manufactured vaccine then mandating it for “universal protection” make COVID go away? All vaccines have risks as evidenced by the legislation in 1988 of the U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program which paid out over $4.3 billion to families that have been injured by vaccines. Of all the vaccines that are currently in use, the one that has taken the least amount of time of produce took 4 years. Typically the manufacturing takes 10-15 years to develop because of extensive clinical trials needed.

What the unsuspecting public does not know is what ingredients are present in the vaccine product. Dr. Tenpenny, a renowned epidemiologist scientist, said that “the promotion of vaccinations is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the human race.” She pointed out that “the vaccine and drug manufacturers have zero incentive to produce a safe product as the declared emergency due to COVlD has rolled back regulatory standards and removes them from any and all liability; it also ensures that the government will purchase their products.”

D.J. Wilson of AMAC Magazine wrote, “China’s Chokehold on US Medicine” because politicians have allowed China to seize control of America’s prescription drug supply. China has control of the active ingredients required to produce critical medicines for many major illnesses. The reason China has become a mass producer of medicines is driven cheaper labor and raw materials, fewer regulations and increased incentives for companies to invest in opportunities in the Asian country so that America has failed to protect its vital pharmaceutical industry.

More information about vaccines comes from several sources: Liberty Counsel (Attorney Mat Staver) has published articles about “Evidence has grown against Fauci”; “Will the vaccine be voluntary?” (June 5, 2020); and “Tough decisions in vaccinations are coming.”  Staver is seeking justification to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, a nationally known infectious-disease expert working in collusion with Bill Gates and his global intention to vaccinate everyone here and internationally. Gates has a eugenicist vision for the world and as a multibillionaire ( being the largest private donor to the WHO which is a UN global China-centric agency) has the power and control to influence policies governing mandated vaccination implementation. Follow the money trail: expert Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and United Nation World Health Organization (a China-centric/favored agency).

There are 5 incredibly factual sources for understanding the vaccine industry:

(1) A 9-part episode series by Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s DVD presentation, Truth About Vaccines, is amazing especially episodes 8 and 9 – Censorship & Suppression and W.H.O.’s Not Telling the Truth? – which expose the behind the scene Big Pharma duplicitous empire. This series describes in great detail the many kinds of vaccines that are administered to unsuspecting clients (from infancy and thereafter) for “promoting health and wellbeing.”

(2) Then another by Mary Tocco, Vaccines:Risks, Responsiblities and Rights, tells the story of vaccine history, man-made toxic ingredients in vaccines, herd immunity deception, vaccines and the causative relationships to autism, other neuro-developmental disorders, and chronic disorders many begun in infancy and beyond with multiple vaccines administered per hospital protocol s or workplace requirements.

(3) MONUMENTAL Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media and the Multitude of Lying liars that Manufacture Them by Ty Bollinger. Chapter 10 describes vaccines in great detail.

(4) Another reliable source is the work done by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in his many presentations about healthcare injuries. He is an amazing spokesman about vaccines and their proven adverse effects..

(5) Watch a video by Jan Markel at, and her radio show Understanding the Times,  Saturdays at 10 a.m.  on BOTT radio. The program was “Hybrid Super Soldiers and Genetic Apocalypse.”

It is necessary to learn the truth in order to be an informed consumer of really safe health care interventions. Today people are giving up their liberty in lieu of what is called “safety.” May more Americans learn the truth about the many toxic ingredients, life-threatening products, found in the vaccines thereby causing debilitating conditions in children and adults: toxic adjuvants like heavy metals of aluminum, mercury; formaldehyde (itself a poison); MSG, antifreeze, Thimerosal, and foreign proteins like aborted fetal tissue, etc.

As consumers consenting or declining these agents of healthcare, we need to speak up about our freedom to choose and to say that our children are not the property of the state and government that mandates involuntary and multiple vaccinations. With factual, trustworthy information available now, the consumer need not swat the bees but rather go after eradicating the hives in order to be well and stay well.