[Looking at history and our area’s unique political and religious attitudes.]

Silence never wins. Both sides of the political spectrum argue that society is in turmoil and more divided than ever. History bears out that turmoil is inevitable when the differences have a philosophical root.

Let’s go back to the most ancient history commonly available. The venerable national leader and heir apparent of two cultures, Moses, records in his first tome, chapter 6; “But the Lord saw that the wickedness of humankind had become great on the earth. Every inclination of the thoughts of their minds was only evil all the time.” There were very few that survived.

That sure sounds like much of today’s society, but today there is a much larger segment who oppose the corruption, lying to win, and attempted murder by officials. How did we get here?

There is a tendency to look back at history to a more peaceful and serene time. But we find that never was. There is always divergence of values. The founding fathers literally gave their lives and wealth to oppose the corruption of their king. The cohesive force which made divergent ideas solidify into one nation was the Great Awakening of Christian values led by a coalition of very different religious traditions.

Jonathon Edwards was a very thin, American-born, Calvinist Congregationalist (Reformed) pastor of a small church. He formed a coalition with George Whitefield, an unhealthy overweight, English-born, Arminian Methodist evangelist who spoke to thousands at each rally. If you are not up on what those terms mean, it is simple. On the religious spectrum, their philosophy and styles were opposites as were their lifestyles, health, and relationship with wife and family. Their contrasts will make an intriguing future topic.

Yet, they knew they could not be silent about the corruption, chicanery, and contrary ways of the people and consequently allowed in the government. These two unabashed advocates used simple teachings from their Christian roots to awaken the populace that there was a better way of living, relationships, and religion. Each person is responsible for his own actions and will pay for them in this life and the next. A large segment of society turned to learning the principles of the Creator as taught in the ancient Tanakh and the New Testament.

This was an awakening. The people did not know nor had religious experience previously. The new commonality of value system forged a distinct culture, resulting in a new nation.

The nation and people were not perfect. The culture ebbed and revived over the next 200 years until post World War II. At that juncture, a diabolical attitude held sway.

Both Edwards’ and Whitefield’s traditional denominations, as well as many others, became focused on social teaching and moved far away from the personal responsibility teaching of their patriarchs.

The evangelical denominations reacted with a very negative teaching, rather than encouraging and building positive relationships. To avoid any semblance of agreement, their leaders pulled people away from involvement in society. Compromise became an evil word. Much of the teaching was to avoid any association with politics, government, or other groups different from them. They became out-focused and sent emissaries around the world to lift those. That was a good thing, but they did nothing for their own society.

So here we are. Two generations later, society is totally disrupted, because of lack of influence and teaching of traditional religious values in the culture. Whether from Edwards and Whitefield heritage, or evangelical heritage, you cannot be silent and win.

Perfection or finding a political group that fills all your boxes, never has and never will happen. From the most ancient of times, people of faith have been admonished to be involved with government. Remember, render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.

One of my grandfathers said it. I have heard it my whole life. Go with the lesser of two evils. Sorry grandpa. That is a foot-shuffling, aw-shucks hypocrisy. Government was ordained by God to keep order. When kings (government) did not have advisors with right values, what happened? The entire nation suffered.

If you want government representatives with your values, get involved with those who have the most potential to help achieve that.

Think about it. In our system, there are only two choices. If you do not contribute, work and vote, you are agreeing that the one which most opposes your principles is acceptable. There are enough people of faith to swing any election to the better choice.

Dr. Gabbert recently posted an excellent, short podcast on this issue. Check it out. https://evergreenbc.org/blog/2024/08/02/voting-for-sober-minded-hope