The mid-February winter storm is a shining example of the folly of relying on wind and solar energy and getting rid of oil and natural gas.

The sub-zero temperatures and ice and snow in Oklahoma and Texas caused an unexpected surge in electricity demand and resulted in rolling power blackouts.

Guess what happens to wind turbines when they freeze? They come to a stop and don’t generate any electricity. Likewise, when clouds accompany a storm for days, solar power disappears.

The addition of wind turbines in the Southwest has contributed to the lowered production of oil and natural gas. Dallas, Houston and other Texas cities were without power for up to an hour as the power grid had to be downshifted.

Energy experts say regulators, if they truly want to rely on wind and solar power, must build an enormous amount of excess reserve capacity to compensate when the turbines are frozen and the sun doesn’t shine through the clouds.

And while this unscientific rush to wind and solar power damages the national power grid, Hollywood celebrities are petitioning Joe Biden and his administration to shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline, which funnels oil from Canada to American cities near the Great Lakes.

This is crazy policy that will not only cost tens of thousands of jobs but will put lives at risk if people can’t get power to hear their homes in the middle of winter.

The ridiculous idea of manipulating climate should be shelved if people are freezing to death because they have no electricity in the winter of 2021.