Apple, Google, and Amazon have refused to accept social website on their phone aps. 

And why is that you ask? already had 10 million users in November 2020, but after Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and others banned President Trump from communicating with his over 80 million followers, millions of people, seeking freedom of speech, began converting over to

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and other billionaire social media website owners like himself, have now joined together in an effort to destroy their competition and dominate the U.S. market. 

They claim President Trump’s comments did not meet their “truth” standards, and yet they continue to allow the Ayatollah of Iran, Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, Planned Parenthood, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and many other anti-American, and anti-Israel spreaders of “hate” to communicate over their networks.

Clearly, this is a violation of federal antitrust laws, and the freedom of speech that is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. 

Congress has the authority to stop this unlawful behavior – but elected government officials are afraid of the social media backlash they will receive from these powerful media giants. 

And, since President Joe Biden and other socialist/progressive Democrats have not been banned, and they now control Congress, nothing will be done.

Some of you might think this is no big deal.  But I would caution you:  If these social media giants can “muzzle” the President and his 80 million followers, they can certainly silence you and me.  And, they can silence any other person who makes comments that “do not meet their truth standards.”

How long do you think it will be before churches who are preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (and that includes speaking out against the sins of abortion, same-sex marriage and the homosexual lifestyles of LGBTQ+ advocates, and also supporting Israel’s sovereign rights to the land that God gave them) . . . How much longer will these church pastors be allowed to speak?

As previously stated, Congress has the authority to protect our free speech – but our voice is not being listened to in Washington, D.C. because too many members of Congress have been bought-off by lobbyist representing the interest of these billionaire owners of big tech companies, advocates for pro-abortion, and advocates calling for the elimination of fossil fuels and taxation on carbon emissions. 

And to make matters even worse, giant corporations like Target, Walmart, Costco, and others are leaning more and more towards total support for these radical far-left social policies.

Man’s inability to rule himself, separated from God Almighty, is being revealed to us right now. 

Every day we are witnessing demonic-inspired people trying to take away our personal freedoms and destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America. 

They want to bring us to our knees by controlling our speech, keep us from attending the church or school of our choice, and destroying our economy by keeping us from our place of work, while bankrupting our U.S. Treasury with “relief” payments. 

And last but not least, they want to take away our ability to defend ourselves, and our ability to defend this great nation.

How long will this be allowed to continue? 

Only God knows. 

But one thing we do know is this:  God himself said,

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV).

Have you done what God has called us all to do? 

If you have not, please, please do it today.