LADY LAKE, Florida – Telephone and email traffic through our Social Security advisory service has markedly increased over the past several months since the outbreak of the COVID crisis, according to Gerry Hafer, Executive Director of the AMAC Foundation.

 “It hasn’t reached panic proportions by any means, but the uncertainty caused by the virus and the far-reaching efforts to deal with the pandemic have certainly caused a rush to review individual family resources, particularly among the 50-plus segment of the population.”

The extreme measures to combat the disease — lockdowns and lay-offs, for example — have breadwinners looking for ways to offset the financial toll of the epidemic in the near term and in the long term.

“It’s put a new importance on Social Security and, as a result, it has sparked a new interest in how to navigate the intricacies of the system.”

The AMAC Foundation, a non-profit affiliate of the Association of Mature American Citizens, is staffed with a team of professionals trained and accredited by the National Social Security Association (NSSA).

“Our aim is to provide a better understanding of the complexities of Social Security by providing answers to specific, personalized questions about the various aspects of the system. The best way to get the explanations you need is to submit a specific query via an email to [email protected] or by phone (888-750-2622),” according to Hafer.

Meanwhile, the Foundation has recently added a new feature on its website — a series of some 100 Social Security podcasts that can be accessed on-demand by selecting the “podcasts” menu item on the site’s menu bar. All recordings are keyword searchable by entering terms in the “Search Podcasts” block at the top of the page [].