Why would a sharp turn to socialism be bad for the United States?

There are multiple reasons.

Karl Marx, the founding father of Marxism, was wrong about everything he predicted. Marx was convinced that the idea of separate countries would eventually fade into a one-world government.  He believed that capitalism would fail as a result of the Industrial Revolution. And he foresaw the end of the middle class worldwide. Under capitalism, Marx was convinced that poverty would get worse, not better.

(By the way, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson said the rate of absolute poverty around the world “fell by 50%.”)

Marx hated the God of Christianity. He thought man’s nature would change and he abhorred the concept of a Supreme Being. The answer was “enlightenment” – not faith in Jesus Christ.

Marx wanted an end to private property, centralization of industry and curtailing of personal freedoms. His goal was a “classless society.”

Vladimir Lenin, the former premier of the Soviet Union, was the perfect example of how socialism is not based on the “will of the people” but on the absolute dictatorial rule of the small group of people in power. They claim to end private poverty but they live lavishly off the underground economy.

The socialist “utopia” has never existed and it never will.

The French Nobel Laureate writer Andre Gide said, “I doubt where in any country in the world – not even in Hitler’s Germany – have the mind and spirit ever been less free, more bent, more terrorized and indeed vassalized than in the Soviet Union.”

In comes socialism, out goes freedom.

The Nazis of World War II were national socialists – not right wingers. They were brutal and they engineered one of the world’s worst examples of genocide in the Holocaust.

And in terms of socialism versus communism, there isn’t really much difference when they are implemented.

Whether it is the communists or socialists who are running Venezuela, people are still starving, they can’t get work and they have no hope. This is in a nation that has some of the greatest natural resources on Earth.

If you think socialism is working in China, a quick look at Hong Kong shows what is really going on. Hong Kong was promised autonomy and instead got tyranny – including no freedom of speech.

That’s another aspect of socialism. Leaders have to lie to get it going. They promise that if their revolution succeeds, the government will make everything free to people. That’s free food, free health care, free housing, free clothing – and no one has to work unless they want to.

Class envy is one basis for switching to socialism. Rich people are evil. Poor people have been taken advantage of. Wealth must be taken from those who have and given to those who need.

What occurs is that the incentive to work dissolves. The middle class disappears. An elitist group at the top prospers and the nation declines.

Why do you think the USSR fell apart? It’s because communism (or socialism) just doesn’t work. It doesn’t make anyone’s life better and it condemns a large percentage of the population to poverty.

So, why are the Democrats thinking about nominating Bernie Sanders, a socialist for president?

Sanders appeals to young adults and here’s why.  Our higher education system has saddled young people with enormous student loan debt. They can’t buy homes. Their spouses have to work. They are mired in debt. Sanders promises free tuition and forgiveness of student debt.

Young people don’t have great health insurance. They want free coverage. Sanders promises free health care paid for by stripping wealth from rich people.

Sanders promises free abortions. People can live licentiously and if a girl gets pregnant, she can trot down to the government-funded abortion clinic and get rid of that baby, free of charge.

And don’t worry about crime. If you’re a criminal, Sanders will get you out of jail pronto. And don’t worry about being a victim of crime because the government is going to confiscate all your guns.

And the world won’t end because Sanders and his socialist government is going to enact a carbon tax that will stop global warming and climate change.

These are all lies.

If the government will feed me, clothe me and give me a place to live, I can quit work and play video games all day.

Socialism used to be a dirty word in America because we saw the effects all over the world. It destroys nations. Oklahoma had some socialists involved in the creation of our state. Thankfully, they didn’t prevail.

To boil it down, socialist governments want all the workers’ money and then they want everyone to be dependent on government services.

Winston Churchill said: “Some regard private enterprise as if it were a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look upon it as a cow that they can milk. Only a handful see it for what it really is — the strong horse that pulls the whole cart.”

Also, Joe Biden isn’t that far from Sanders.

Socialism has never worked and it would be disastrous for America.


– You don’t need a parachute to go skydiving.

You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.

– Why didn’t the husband try to catch his wife when she was falling down while carrying the clean laundry? He wanted to watch it unfold.

– My first time using an elevator was an uplifting experience. The second time, it let me down.

– I’m deathly afraid of elevators.

I take a lot of steps to avoid them.

– You know what makes me smile?

Facial muscles.

– A woman was at the funeral of her deceased husband. A man approached her and asked, “Do you mind if I say a word?”

“No,” she replied. “Go right ahead.”

He stood up and said, “Plethora.”

She said, “Thanks. That means a lot.”

– Two hundred dogs escaped from the city dog pound. Police are following a number of leads.

– How many people can you fit in a taxi cab in Rio de Janeiro? About four Brazilian.

– Why is it hard to tell jokes to kleptomaniacs?

Because they keep taking the jokes – literally.

– What does a cardiologist like for dinner?

It doesn’t matter as long as it’s hearty.

– What are bald sailors most worried about?

Cap sizes.

– I thought my son was spending too much time playing games on his cellphone. I told him to stop and said, “Son, when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he was studying books by the light of a fireplace.”

My son thought for a moment and replied, “Yeah, when Abraham Lincoln was your age, he was president.”

– What do you never want to say when you are being held at gunpoint? “Aw, shoot.”

– All I got for Christmas was one deck of playing cards and they were sticky.

It was difficult to deal with.