[Looking at history and our area’s unique political and religious attitudes.]

Space aliens. At the risk of guffaws, the discussion is real. Not surprisingly, it is a direct follow-on to the last article about awakening. The topic took on a more mainstream acceptance when Congress recently had hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP), formerly Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO).

Testimony declared the government is absolutely in possession of UAPs, nonhuman biologics were found at a crash site, officials must establish a safe and transparent reporting process, stigma is associated with sighting which silences possible witnesses, and UFOs have been spotted accelerating to supersonic speeds.

Testimony came from an ‘intelligence official’ who interviewed 40 witnesses over a 4-year period, a former navy pilot who related commercial airline pilot reports, and a naval commander relating a trio of pilots. A retired Air Force officer affirmed the U.S. is hiding a long-standing program to retrieve and reverse engineer UFOs.

Whistle-blower testimony has the U.S. likely aware of non-human activity since the 1930s. The concerted change in language to non-human vs extraterrestrial is significant.

A good friend, senior Air Force pilot, and engineer remarked about an encounter when flying one of the U.S. fastest planes, “The radar contact accelerated faster than any known aircraft at that time.” Note the radar confirmation.

Police executives with the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) published a detailed guide on UAP which states they “pose significant safety risks.”

Are non-human biologics real? The question and topic has carried interest for decades, with an undertone that if you talk about it you are a kook. What is one simple way of confuting reality and justifying oneself? Simply deny its existence, call it a myth, or dismiss it as fake news.

“I’m very familiar with space stuff, and I’ve seen no evidence of aliens,” Space-X founder Elon Musk told Tucker Carlson. The statement is carefully crafted with the word aliens. “This tiny candle of consciousness we have on Earth might be all there is.”

There are non-human biologics, and if not from out there, where are they from? How long have they been around?

Go back to the Oldest History, the Tanakh, in its beginning called ‘Bereshit’ in Hebrew or ‘Genesis’ from Greek. Other beings have been around for all human history. Throughout its record, there are accounts of many other cultural gods, other than the monotheistic Creator God, Yahweh.

The Tanakh has a very detailed history that has persisted across time and culture, a validation of its authenticity. We have been privileged to participate in the archaeological excavations at Sodom, dating from about 1700 BC. That research corresponds precisely with the history recorded by the Egyptian prince of Hebrew heritage, Moses.

A relevant excerpt is at 6:4 – ‘The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; these were the ancient heroes, men of renown.’

A related term is gibborim. I recall when we both took Hebrew and then took an immersion study in Jordan and Israel. The professor explained these were difficult words to translate and that English did not have a good corresponding word. So, let the phrase translate itself. Immortals had relations with beautiful women, producing demi-gods.

Since the History is for the entire world, one would expect other somewhat similar accounts. Sumerian tablets have correspondence, but the language did not survive. The Greeks have a history of gods and mortals from the poems of Hesiod and Homer. But these are excerpts, not a continuing history. The Greeks called this pre-Flood era the Silver Age, during the influence of Zeus and the creation of mortals, some of whom the Tanakh also called silversmiths. After that, the Bronze Age term is used across cultures and is the time of Abraham and destruction of Sodom.

Back to the earlier observation about attempts to negate reality. Myth is a term used to discredit historical accounts, particularly when trying to justify alternative behavior. A historian as recent as World War I could not begin to describe technology and travel of today. There were no highways, computers, or air-conditioning. Whatever he wrote would be so quaint. Neither can we relate backward to radically different lifestyles.

With the disruptions in society, if there are reports of aliens, be wary. If possible, even the most discerning would be deceived. Non-human biologics have non-human abilities, but are still created not creator entities. Even my old hound has supra-human powers of smell, hearing, sight, speed, and stamina, but he is not a god. An increase in non-human biologic discussion would be expected to counter an increased awakening.

Think about it. We live in a binary world of either positive or negative. There is no third option. Positive grows, negative deteriorates. A rational choice is simple. Go with the ultimate winning side.