There is no question that the Democratic Party and others, did everything they could to steal the 2020 Presidential Election.  And that it was obviously pre-planned for years.

A large group of individuals  and organizations worked hard, and put out large amounts of money to carry out such a disgraceful and un-American travesty against one of America’s most treasured visions “of clear and fair elections.”  The monstrous work of these evil minds must not be swept under the rug and must be brought to light and exposed to the American people. Unfortunately for America, the same evil dudes, own and control most of the news media and communication organizations, and they censored, swept under the rug, everything that was needed to bring light to the truth!

When government organizations and the media were presented with proof that Biden had compromised himself by taking money from Communist China, and other countries, they refused to publish such information.  These are the same people who have been trying to destroy a legally elected president on a daily basis for four years!

America should be crying out for the truth. And the truth is that those evil-minded people did not win. They stole the election. That must not be allowed to stand. It would take an act of God to change their evil hearts and minds, and that is not likely to happen because they do not believe in God.

Thanks to the fact that there are still many honest people left in America that possess “True Grit” and have signed sworn statements of illegalities they witnessed, or they were directed to do by supervisors, there is plenty of proof that fraud was committed in a large scale.   Specially in states that are called “swing states.”