You can teach accurate history in public schools without making white third-grade boys feel guilty about being “racists” based solely on the color of their skin.

The Oklahoma Legislature struck a blow against racist indoctrination by passing House Bill 1775, which essentially forbids the teaching of Critical Race Theory – a Marxist mantra that promotes racism against whites and tears down traditional sexual morality. The only problem with that law is that it had no penalty aspect.

Thank goodness the Oklahoma State Board of Education approved temporary rules designed to enforce the intent of House Bill 1775 that forbids teaching in public schools that one race or sex is inherently superior or that someone is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive because of their race or sex.

Some teacher union members have already declared the will violate this law but any district or school that doesn’t follow the new rules could have their accreditation downgraded to “Accredited with Deficiency.” They will get a year to change their tune. And the Oklahoma Department of Education could suspend the license of any public school teacher who breaks the rules.

This doesn’t sit well with educators or legislators who have Marxist tendencies.  Tulsa Public Schools said they won’t change anything in light of the new law. They refuse to acknowledge the problem.

“This rule change is not only unnecessary but also dangerous,” said Rep. Monroe Nichols, D-Tulsa.

“This is a dangerous law and these concepts are not even being taught in any K-12 classroom course,” said Rep. Regina Goodwin, D-Tulsa.

This is the law and it needs to be followed because it is consistent with American legal and moral values.