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The Tulsa Beacon


Tag: Health

Food safety tbroughout the holidays

Tulsa Beacon

The holiday season brings friends, family and lots of good food. From cooking the turkey to homemade pies, it is easy to forget safe food handling practices during the hustle and bustle. Every year, approximately 48 million people become ill with a foodborne illness. The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) reminds everyone to practice…

Clorox product used at BA Schools

Tulsa Beacon

BROKEN ARROW (PRNewswire) — A new study, released by Broken Arrow Public Schools and CloroxPro, has shown the positive impact of daily disinfection in a school environment by using the Clorox Total 360 System. After implementing the system daily throughout the 2018-19 school year, environmental swabbing of surfaces disinfected with the Clorox showed a reduction…

This is what I did to lose about 40 pounds in 5 months

Tulsa Beacon

I’ve lost about 40 pounds since March 1. Hurray! This is the most weight I have ever lost in one season. When I was 21, I lost 35 pounds at my summer job, which was delivering furniture for Manhattan Furniture. I wasn’t trying to lose weight that summer but it happened. About 10 years or…

New Deputy Secretary of Health

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt has hired Carter Kimble, who is joining the Governor’s office as the Deputy Secretary of Health and Mental Health and is charged with working with the governor and cabinet secretaries on a health care plan to improve outcomes by increasing access for all Oklahomans to affordable coverage and modernizing services delivered by…

Beware aware of cytomegalovirus

Tulsa Beacon

June is Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Awareness Month. CMV is a common virus which, in healthy people, can cause mild illness or no symptoms at all.  While most are unaware they’ve been infected, the virus increases the risk of certain birth defects for unborn babies when a woman is exposed during pregnancy. Since most women are unaware…

National measles epidemic could spread to Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma has not experienced any confirmed cases of measles in 2019, but with numerous cases in surrounding states and across the nation, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) is encouraging families to review their immunization records, and plan ahead in case you need to get vaccinated before upcoming international travel. Although measles was declared…

Innovative technique by OU will help dialysis patients

Tulsa Beacon

For the first time in many years, a major technological advance is changing treatment for patients requiring dialysis for kidney failure. OU Medicine vascular surgeons in Tulsa were the first surgical team in the United States to perform the new procedure using a device called the Ellipsys Vascular Access System. Traditionally, patients with kidney failure…

FAT CITY: Tulsa is the No. 6 Fattest City in the United States

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa is one of the fattest cities in the nation, according to a WalletHub study of 100 major cities. Tulsa is the No. 6 fattest city, behind only McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, Texas; Shreveport-Bossier City, Louisiana; Memphis, Tennessee; Jackson, Mississippi; and Mobile, Alabama. WalletHub’s “2019 Fattest Cities in America” compared 100 of the most populated U.S. metro areas…

Tai Chi-A-Thon fundraiser April 26

Tulsa Beacon

OHAI will host their first annual Statewide Tai Chi-A-Thon fundraiser on April 26 from 9 a.m. to noon at five locations – Oklahoma City, Durant, Enid, Catoosa, and Lawton. Registration is $40 and includes a free event T-shirt for those registered by April 5.  Tai Chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. …