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The Tulsa Beacon


Tag: Opioids

Survey shows 50% of pastors see opioid abuse in church

Tulsa Beacon

NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Like most U.S. pastors, Robby Gallaty knows someone who has been affected by opioid abuse. But unlike most pastors, Gallaty has personally suffered through addiction. Twenty years ago this month, Gallaty endured a near-fatal car accident. When he left the hospital, the club-bouncer-turned-church-leader took with him several prescriptions for painkillers. “My descent…

Seniors battle drug, alcohol addiction

Tulsa Beacon

The president of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] said substantial research shows that addiction to alcohol and prescription and illicit drugs among senior citizens has gone unnoticed for too long. Weber called a report by the Inspector General at the Health and Human Services Department published in 2017 a wakeup call. The report…

Opioid overdose help

Tulsa Beacon

The full Senate approved a bill aimed at helping save lives if students overdose on opioids while at school. State Sen. Greg McCortney is the author of Senate Bill 85, which adds school nurses or other designated employees to those who can administer life-saving opiate antagonists.  The bill was approved unanimously. Currently, state law includes…

New program battles opioid abuse

Tulsa Beacon

Pawnee County is one of Oklahoma’s top five counties for opioid overdoses. But a new program is battling that. Prescription drug abuse is the fastest-growing drug problem in the United States and Oklahoma is no exception. More than 770 Oklahoma residents died from drug overdoses in 2017. Opioids, including prescriptions, are a particular problem —…

Letter: More psychoactive drugs usage?­

Tulsa Beacon

A headline on the front page of a recent edition of the Tulsa Beacon declares that “Oklahoma will get $13m to fight the opioid epidemic.”  On the other hand, Oklahoma is fighting a battle to provide free access to marijuana. This world has lost its collective mind! If addiction is a national problem, why would…