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The Tulsa Beacon



Beware aware of cytomegalovirus

Tulsa Beacon

June is Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Awareness Month. CMV is a common virus which, in healthy people, can cause mild illness or no symptoms at all.  While most are unaware they’ve been infected, the virus increases the risk of certain birth defects for unborn babies when a woman is exposed during pregnancy. Since most women are unaware…

Outbreak of measles grows in Oklahoma and the U.S.

Tulsa Beacon

As of last Friday, three more cases of measles have been identified in Okmulgee County. No new cases of measles have been identified in any counties outside of Okmulgee County. The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) and the Okmulgee County Health Department said all three cases are close contacts of the initial case announced…

Advice in coping with flood waters

Tulsa Beacon

Many communities across the state are dealing with flooded areas after the recent storms. The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) reminds the public that floodwater and standing water can be dangerous, making a person vulnerable to diseases, chemical hazards and injuries. Floodwaters contain many potential hazards such as downed power lines, household trash, medical…

National measles epidemic could spread to Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma has not experienced any confirmed cases of measles in 2019, but with numerous cases in surrounding states and across the nation, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) is encouraging families to review their immunization records, and plan ahead in case you need to get vaccinated before upcoming international travel. Although measles was declared…

Disaster planning for spring weather

Tulsa Beacon

Disasters can alter a family’s normal routine with little warning. Neighborhood streets can be closed because of large debris or downed power lines. Suddenly, an area that is a familiar part of a normal daily routine is now unrecognizable. In times like this, it is crucial for a family to have a plan to reunite…

Federal grant to help the uninsured

Tulsa Beacon

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has given a grant totaling more than $890,000 over a five-year period to the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) to improve access to health care services for people who are uninsured, isolated or medically vulnerable. Funds from the grant will extend through 2024. The goals are…

Practicing for national emergencies

Tulsa Beacon

In an effort to prepare communities for a public health emergency, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) recently ran exercises across the state to ensure readiness if the need for mass immunization arises. Local coordinators and regional planners from the agency’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Service coordinated efforts in setting up a point of…

Rules for food mixed with marijuana

Tulsa Beacon

As a requirement under existing state law, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) is encouraging current businesses manufacturing or selling food products infused with or containing CBD and/or medical marijuana to obtain their food licenses by April 26. Based on current definition in state statute and recent reports by consumers, many of these new,…

Onslaught of new students expected

Tulsa Beacon

Officials at the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) are preparing for what they anticipate to be an overload of visitors in the weeks before Oklahoma schools start classes. That concern is intensified with Oklahoma City Public Schools’ decision to start classes this year at the same time as most other schools in the state….

WIC funding will last past March

Tulsa Beacon

In an effort to maintain assistance for families, the Oklahoma Women, Infant and Children (WIC) nutrition service has secured funding for clients through February during the federal government shutdown. Additional funds have been identified, and once received, will provide benefits through March. “Right now, it is business as usual for WIC. We have received numerous…