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The Tulsa Beacon


Tag: Personhood

Alive from OK is in tune with Alive from New York May 5th

Tulsa Beacon

NY abortion vote triggered an idea On May 4, Tulsa will take a part in a national effort to help men, women and families to preserve the sanctity of life. “Alive from OK” is a local version of “Alive from New York” – a program from Focus on the Family designed “to celebrate the sanctity…

Southern Baptist and GOP leaders criticize SB13 to abolish abortion

Tulsa Beacon

The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma is publicly opposing  Senate Bill 13, the Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act. Sen. Joseph Silk, R-Broken Bow, is the author of SB13, which would bring an immediate end to legalized abortion in Oklahoma. “The BGCO’s letter asserts Senate Bill 13 would be invalidated by the courts, but the…

Sen. Dave Rader files Personhood Act

Tulsa Beacon

State Sen. Dave Rader, R-Tulsa, has introduced a bill that would grant “personhood” to unborn children in Oklahoma. The Personhood Act, Senate Bill 195, states, “The life of each human being begins at conception” and “unborn children have protectable interests in life, health and well-being…” It would grant “on behalf of the unborn child at…