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The Tulsa Beacon


Tag: Pets

Pet sterilization is an issue for dogs, cats in Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

Do you know the leading cause of death for domestic cats and dogs in the United States? Euthanasia. Estimates vary on how many dogs and cats are put to sleep each year in shelters, but most sources estimate 2 million to 3 million per year. According to a 2015-2016 report from the American Pet Products…

Pet safety with holiday decorations

Tulsa Beacon

While decorating and entertaining this holiday season, remember, not everything people enjoy is safe for pets. Below are some tips to keep your pets safe this holiday season. Should you have a pet emergency, the Boren Veterinary Medical Hospital at Oklahoma State University is always available to help. Call 405-744-7000 for more information or to…

Get your housepets ready for winter

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER – For pets that spend a good deal of time romping in the back yard or lounging in a patch of sunshine on the deck, the arrival of winter may be a rude awakening and cause of concern for safety. Before Oklahoma experiences a deep freeze, pet owners need to make sure their pets…

Pugnacious pug puppies are populating our ‘kennel’

Tulsa Beacon

For 15 years, my wife and I and our kids enjoyed our wonderful Boston terrier Maggie. Maggie passed earlier this year and with all of our kids grown, we kind of enjoyed a dog-free period for a while. Don’t get me wrong. We both love dogs. But when dogs get older, it’s hard to go…