Following a Fall 2020 semester balancing safety protocols and in-person learning, Tulsa Community College is working to increase the number of face-to-face classes and online live for Spring 2021.

The spring semester is scheduled to start January 19.

TCC will continue delivering courses in four delivery methods: face-to-face, online live, blended and online courses.

“We had nearly 40% of our students in the classroom during the fall semester between face-to-face classes and blended classes which is a mix of face-to-face and online. Our students are telling us they want more face-to-face options for spring as daily life has adapted in the pandemic and we are working to increase those options,” said Dr. Leigh Goodson, TCC president & CEO.

Students have also responded enthusiastically to the online live option, where the course meets online in a web-conference style at designated times and students are required to be present online, live at that time.

It has the benefit of immediate feedback from the faculty member and classmates, as well as being interactive.

TCC will maintain a face mask policy and physical distancing for all classrooms.

TCC’s Spring Break will have no classes the week of March 15-21. The College is building a schedule to allow for virtual classes following Spring Break from March 22 – April 4.

“Our plan builds in flexibility for students and their families who may travel during Spring Break and need to self-quarantine. In addition, we acknowledge our students and employees, who are parents, may see an increased absenteeism due to additional family responsibilities during that time based on the schedule of our local public schools,” said Goodson.

Metro Campus will remain open during Spring Break, while all other campuses will be closed March 15 –21. Following Spring Break, all campuses will be open March 22 – April 4.