TULSA, Okla. — One thing is missing from the bookshelves of the world: your perspective. Now is the time to be your own author and write your own story.

Local wordsmiths are invited to enter the annual Adult Creative Writing Contest from Feb. 1-March 31 for a chance to win cash and have their stories shared. This annual event is sponsored by the Friends of the Tulsa City-County Libraries. The contest is open to any person 18 years or older who lives, works, attends school in Tulsa County or has a nonresident Tulsa City-County Library card.

Submissions of unpublished original text are welcomed in five categories:

Poetry – The total number of words may include more than one poem. If more than one poem is submitted within the 400-word limit, all poems are considered, but only one poem can receive an award. Only one cover sheet is required for all of the poem in one entry.

Informal Essay – A short composition considering a single topic and usually personal in approach. No research, technical reports or religious treatises will be considered. A maximum of 5,000 works will be accepted.

Children’s Fiction – Works in which illustrations are integral may be submitted, but judging is based primarily on the text, with a 3,000-word limit.

Short Story – A narrative, fictional, prose story having a central theme with a 5,000-word limit.

Young Adult Fiction – Fiction aimed at ages 12-18 with a 5,000-word limit.

A $150 cash prize and a certificate are awarded to the best work within each category. Second-place winners receive a $100 cash prize and a certificate. Certificates and $25 are awarded to those receiving honorable mention. Individuals may enter all five categories but may submit only one manuscript in each category. One payment should be submitted for all entries. Entry fees are $10 for one entry, $18 for two entries, $24 for three entries, $30 for four entries and $35 for five entries.

Every entrant will be invited to the awards ceremony and reception at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, May 13, in Central Library’s Aaronson Auditorium, Fifth Street and Denver Avenue.

Entries should be delivered to any TCCL branch or mailed flat to Friends of Tulsa City-County Libraries, 400 Civic Center, Tulsa, Okla., 74103. Entry forms, with a complete set of rules and submission guidelines, are available at all TCCL locations or online at www.tulsalibrary.org/adult-creative-writing-contest. For more information on the Adult Creative Writing Contest, call 918-549-7323.