OKLAHOMA CITY – Two key bills authored by Rep. Mark Tedford, R-Jenks, have passed committee votes, advancing efforts to expand health care flexibility and promote balanced parental involvement in child custody cases.

House Bill 1512, which passed in the Appropriations and Budget General Government Subcommittee, would establish a state health care marketplace to replace the federal health care marketplace. The bill aims to give Oklahoma more control over plan management decisions, allowing for a system tailored to the specific needs of residents.

“Oklahoma should have the ability to manage its own health care marketplace rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all federal system,” Tedford said. “This bill is a step toward ensuring more choice and flexibility for Oklahomans.”

HB1082, which passed in the Civil Judiciary Committee, would create a presumption of joint equal custody in child custody hearings with exceptions when evidence shows a different arrangement is in the child’s best interest.

“This bill is about fairness and ensuring that children have the chance to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents,” Tedford said. “By promoting cooperation, it allows the courts to make decisions based on the best interest of the child. This approach has been successful in other states, like Kentucky, where similar policies have helped reduce litigation.”

Both bills are designed to provide Oklahomans with more control over their lives, whether through improved health care choices or balanced parental involvement in custody decisions.