The price of a barrel of oil is rising because of President Joe Biden’s war on oil and gas.

And now they are rising because of Biden’s ineffectiveness in dealing with Russia and their invasion of Ukraine.

It’s not surprising to see oil cost over a $100 per barrel.

In February, gas prices were almost at $5 per gallon. According to the American Automobile Association, the average price in America in February was $3.53 per gallon.

The situation is made worse in California because state taxes add more than a dollar per gallon. Experts predict that California is on course to have $7 a gallon gas this spring.

The supply will tighten in the spring and summer as travelers in the U.S. go on vacation. And that could increase because of dissatisfaction with airline restrictions.

Price is determined by supply and demand.

Obama battled the energy industry because of mythical climate change issue. Biden resumed that war on his first day in office, shutting down pipelines and restricting drilling.

President Trump was the opposite. He eliminated pointless federal restrictions and paperwork and freed land for exploration. As a result, America was energy independent for the first time in decades. America became an energy exporter, which created jobs and helped America’s balance of trade.

America has energy resources that are available if the Democrats will get out of the way.

Biden and Kamala Harris said America will have to “pay a price for democracy” and part of that sacrifice will be higher gas prices, inflation due fuel hikes for shipping and loss of jobs.

The country that has the energy wins the war. Biden is destroying energy exploration and production and doing it  at absolutely the wrong time.