Here are the facts.

The United States of America was founded by men and women who were devout Christians who wanted the free exercise of their faith and freedoms that were granted by God, not by man.

There is no other nation on Earth like America.

Even the early Americans who did not have faith in Jesus Christ or God welcomed living in a culture that honored the principles within the Bible. In fact, public education in this country was initially based on teaching the Bible to school children.

Unlike the Marxist lies that are being broadcast and written by the progressive news media, America was not started to foster and perpetuate slavery. It is a fact that America led the way in the abolishment of slavery – a godless institution that dated way before the discovery of the New World.

America’s values are embedded in the Declaration of Independence and in our Constitution. America is not a “democracy” but a republic because our Founders did not want the majority to oppress the minority.

On Independence Day, Americans of good faith should stop and thank God for the freedoms and prosperity that we enjoy due to His blessing.

We must preserve this precious republic and it is our duty to pass this legacy on to the next generations.