Student loan payments, suspended since March of 2020 due to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, will resume in February of 2022. The Biden Administration is anxious to cancel all government held student loans but that giveaway is not going to be as easy as the Democrat socialists wish and it make take a long time.
Biden is caving to progressives in his own party who want the government to stop collecting student loan payments. His plan to offer free college tuition to state-supported schools has hit a roadblock in Congress.
And Biden has no plan to pay for this enormous plan except to say that it “won’t cost anything.”
Higher education is a mess.
Colleges and universities are mostly run by radical progressives who hire socialist professors. They keep jacking up the cost of tuition and fees and they can do so because they talk gullible college students into borrowing enormous amounts of money for degrees that will never merit the cost of those classes.
College used to be a major advantage but it is not now in many cases. Investing $100,000 for four years to get a degree in sociology does not make sense when the graduate cannot find work in that field and must take a lesser paying job, maybe $24,000 a year, to make ends meet.
Using that $100,000 to invest in a trade school or in a small business is making more and more sense.
And should Biden succeed and forgive all student debt, there will be a mad dash for students to get more loans for bigger amounts with the view that someday these new loans will also be forgiven.
And this is patently unfair for those responsible students who have worked hard for years to pay off their debts.
Students loans are a terrible weight on young people and Biden’s plan is not the answer.