Why do people, especially oppressed people, risk their lives to come here to the USA?

Although it’s not perfect, what country is?

Until recent years, we have always stood up for what’s right morally and for freedom in every way.

Lately, however, there is more criticism and negativity toward our country (that is actually coming from inside our country) than ever in its history.

Why have other cultures in the world attempted to emulate us? Because our way of living is or was the best in the world.

After traveling by car across several states last summer, I found that Americans are still kind, compassionate and caring people. We don’t hate each other because of racial differences like some people try to tell us. People were friendly and helpful everywhere my husband and I traveled.

It’s time to focus on and stand up for what’s right with our country instead of buying into the “cancel culture’s” censorship of anyone whose opinion differs from theirs.

This country was not founded for slavery, as the 1619 Project says – it was founded for freedom! People have got to start thinking for themselves again or headed for disaster as the other world powers laugh at our weak president while he destroys us.

The beginning of our downward spiral was when we took God out of our schools and simply put – we’ve got to repent and turn back to Him.

Ginger Cantrell, Claremore

James 1:5 – “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach.” (ESV)

James 1:12 – “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life.”