It is illegal to threaten the life of Supreme Court Justice and to picket in front of his house to coerce a change in a decision.

Yet U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is taking no serious action to protect the lives of the conservative justices in light of an upcoming vote on Roe v Wade, which legalized abortion.

“A Democratic hitman tried to murder Justice Kavanaugh and his family. On the same day, left-wing street militias announced publicly they would picket his residence and the homes of other conservative justices,” said Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas. “This act of intimidation is a clear violation of federal law and Merrick Garland has done nothing.”

“His primary job is to enforce the law, and he has failed totally. If he won’t resign, then we’ll impeach him once Republicans control the Congress in January. Either way, he is finished.”

Yet the Biden administration is encouraging protests outside of Supreme Court justices’ homes so long as they remains “peaceful.”

Garland’s Department of has yet to bring any charges against protesters targeting the justices’ homes, even after the alleged assassination attempt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

How many laws must Garland break or ignore before he is made accountable? Is there no justice in the Justice Department? Biden is encouraging an assault on one-third of our government with impunity.

If you want to identify a genuine threat to “our democracy,” it is threatening the lives of judges who won’t play ball with the Democrats.