After calling Gov. Kevin Stitt a “bully,” Tulsa Public School Superintendent Deborah Gist is becoming more bold about her progressive, humanistic efforts to remold the education of Tulsa students.

In “A Message about equity,” Gist outlines how Tulsa Public Schools have “failed to serve students of color (black indigenous and Hispanic).” She states that school districts were “not designed” to “serve students equitably.”

“They were created during moments in history when education was reserved for white people – men specifically – and have matured through many decades when we have not been nearly as intentional and bold as we needed to be to disrupt these oppressive systems and structures,” Gist wrote.

Her purpose, she writes, is to “dismantle practices, cultures, and systems that perpetuate inequities…”

Apparently, it is not her “job” just to teach students how to read, write, do arithmetic, learn history, etc. Her job is to lobby for illegal immigration; advocate for student, teachers and staff members who are openly homosexual; and to publicly praise Black Lives Matter (a socialist group disguised as a civil rights organization).

“Some even go further and ascribe political intent and make accusations against the ‘organization’—declarations that they fail to see are from the very same playbooks used historically against those leading for change including during the civil rights movement,” Gist wrote.

The progressive movement has sunk its claws deeply into public school districts and it has gotten so bad that liberals like Gist openly proclaim their agenda.

This is not what public education should do.